The play has been previously performed in:
The New Covenant Church of Savannah Georgia (2010)
Muse Arts Warehouse Savannah Georgia (2011)
Fresh Fire from Heaven Christian Church of Savannah Georgia (2012)
Abiding in the Word Christian Ministry Church of Savannah Georgia (2013)
Pentecostal Miracle Deliverance Center (2014)
Savannah Arts Academy (2015)
Pentecostal Miracle Deliverance Center (2016)
New Generation Baptist Church (2017)
Black Nativity has also been performed for a special engagement for the Candler/St. Joseph Medical Center at the Candler Hospital location. Additionally, songs and selections have been performed during the Christmas season since the first year of production. We are also looking to hold special presentations in around the community to promote the event.
The average number of patrons to our production has been 150 – 250 person per performance.
For year 1 and 2, we presented a 3:00 pm matinee on Saturday and year 1 there was a matinee on Sunday and 3:00 pm.
Patrons of the play range across all economic, social and ethnic backgrounds
Black Nativity was the first official production of PAC Savannah